i like reading about people. i was reading hornby's blog, and i liked it, so i felt that i should write too. [
nick's interesting life]
what is it that i understand about myself?
i enjoy brunch on sunday mornings, and saturday mornings, with quiet and peace, and light streaming in through the windows, hitting the white walls of pierson.
i like editing, but i would like to stop that habit,
i get bursts of joy, but also bouts of sadness. but when i am joyful its like i want to keep on laughing and being at a hyper state and moving up and down or back and forth and seize someone, and say, "hello!" and smile and be ecstatic.
i learned today that i am a jerk, in terms of just putting myself out there and acknowledging/recognizing the people i know. eesh.
grace han, is seriously my hero. the smile on her face today, as she was playing drums and shouting the numbers. what a rockstar. unashamed-ness. gereat.
hm, i would like to be that way.